Sunday, July 09, 2006

Internet History

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Posted: July 09 2006 at 12:19pm | IP Logged

Derek wrote:

Creditwrench wrote:
Yes, I am in the SEO business, but what you don't know is that I've been in that business for years now. ...

...I also do search engine submission. I've done that ever since I don't know when either. If I can even come close to remembering when I started that business it was probably back about 1985 or somewhere in that time frame.

Pray tell, Bil-LIE, exactly which search engines were you submitting to in 1985? In fact, can you tell us which search engines you submitting to even in 1990?

What you fail to understand is that there was an "internet" of sorts long before 1990 or even 1985. Of course it wasn't an internet as we know it today by any stretch of the imagination.

I didn't get started with computers until 1975 and what was the internet back then is a far cry from what it is today.

Then when the government turned the "internet" over to the private sector Compuserve was the first "internet" I knew anything about after the "internet" went private. I doubt that you have any concept of how large it was back then but just to give you a small idea, I did weekly catalog updates for an international trading company known as ITEX which is still in business today.

I started out with 300 baud modems and some TI-99/4A computers which were my first computers. Part of my job was to print out the catalog each week and make it available to the home office. It took the entire week to get the printouts done. Itex was certainly not the only company on Compuserve back then either. There were far more companies on Compuserve than that and in fact I have no idea how many companies were on Compuserve at that time but there were quite a few.

If you even imagine that Compuserve did not have it's own search engines then that alone proves how little you really know about search engines or the internet.

Prior to Compuserve or any public access to what was known as the internet back then, it was all owned and operated by the military and the government. Are you really so stupid that you imagine that the government had no way to find all the documents on it's intranet?

Since it is obvious that you have no knowledge of all of that then it is equally obvious that you do not have the knowledge to even discuss the matter intelligently.

Such is the life of the Ignorati which we all know you are an illustrious member thereof.
